Paul Molina

Scenic Designer
Class of 2024


Paul Molina is a Salvadoran artist and designer who loves and believes in the compound power of space, story, and theater on memory. 

Since he was a four-year-old kid who kept transforming his home furnishings into magically escapist pillow forts with the help of mosaic blankets, mismatched chairs, and glittering trinkets, Paul has always enjoyed creating imaginative spaces from everyday found objects. This memory among millions and the environment that fostered them has informed his enthrallment and practice to the fantasy world of and by childhood.

His affinities, therefore, include the intersection of childhood, adulthood, age, nostalgia, flashbacks, toys, and the passage of time in relation to space.

With the addition of an MFA in Scenic Design to his Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture, he hopes to create narrative spaces of childhood play— in the form of playgrounds, immersive environments, and installations—that will help facilitate organic curiosity, exploration, and surprises for children and adults alike.  

He also hopes to imbue elements of playfulness into adult-occupying spaces that will constantly remind adults of their forgotten young creativity…and that that imagination is still alive and robust.

Above all, he hopes to utilize narrative design as a platform to foreground and memorialize the first active identity we all were at one point that started it all and that started us—a kid. 

Work Samples

(click to enlarge)